A talk by Dr Roslyn Prinsley, Head of Disaster Solutions at the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions
Many places around the world are developing an understanding that current approaches to flood resilience and flood mitigation are not working. In the Northern Rivers this is something we deeply understand through direct experience.
Nature based solutions (NbS) and their ability to address flood risk are receiving increasing attention globally. NbS maintain and restore catchment ecology while also providing other co-benefits. Yet, developing solutions that will mitigate floods requires considerable thought, computation, design and consultation.
Join us to learn how the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions (ICEDS), in a NEMA-funded initiative, is partnering with regional communities to develop the first ever Australian guidelines for integration of Nature-based Solutions to flood resilience. You will hear about ANU’s latest approaches and findings.
Free, all welcome.
This talk will be Auslan interpreted, and live-streamed on our Facebook page.
Onsite at our shopfront, 11 Woodlark Street, Lismore 2480